
Can You Say Rakuten?

Project Description

Playing off of the common mispronunciation of their brand name, Rakuten wanted to break through in the U.S. by giving unsuspecting people on the streets of hard-to-pronounce regions the chance to win some cash by saying Rakuten correctly. Current designed and built a custom, monolith-style box, standing 7' tall that could listen to how a person said the word, "Rakuten" and reward them with a flurry of cash if they did. If they didn't, they got a big flashing "WRONG" animation and the opportunity to try again.


Tony Biancosino


Fabricated Money-Dispensing Machine, Video Production


Linux, AfterEffects, Midi Controller


Production, Digital

Each day two extra lucky people that pronounced "Rakuten" correctly received a $500 cash prize when the door swung open and a shower of confetti, lights and smoke! We captured all of this over three days in Waxahatchie - Texas, Faubourg Marigny - Louisiana, Kissimmee - Florida to make a commercial that would air nationally during the Super Bowl pre-show.